The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead—his eyes are closed.
Why Numinoos® ?
Numinoos® is a self-coined term, a combination of the word numinous and the Greek suffix noos (awareness or the mind's eye), the adjective numinous referring to the sense of awe and wonder we feel in the presence of beauty in nature, the suffix noos to our awareness or presence in the wisest possible sense.
Numinoos® Nature Photography aims to convey this awareness of the intangible qualities of light that reveal the interconnectedness of nature. Our nature photography strives to re-affirm our connection to that-which-is-beyond-us, to reflect humankind’s connectedness with nature, the numinous dimensions of nature and the call to reconnect with nature.
This numinous, intimate kinship with nature is gracefully illustrated in this excerpt from William Wordsworth's poem (Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye During a Tour, July 13, 1798):
And I have felt
A presence that disturbs me with the joy
Of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime
Of something far more deeply interfused,
Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns,
And the round ocean and the living air,
And the blue sky, and in the mind of man;
A motion and a spirit, that impels
All thinking things, all objects of all thought,
And rolls through all things.
cf. the full poem here.
Further readings:
Article by Professor Terrence W. Picton, Numinous experience
- PhD Dissertation by Matthew J. Zylstra, researcher in Noetic Ecology, on the core theme of Connectedness with Nature
Bios: who we are
Philippe Rouquet
Of Mediterranean and Alsatian stock, raised by parents who were both artists (father in amateur film making and mother pianist), I was made aware of the importance of light from an early age and experimented with water colors and film photography. In my teenage years, I had a fascination for long exposures and captured frames of clouds shaped by the strong northwesterly wind of Provence, known as Mistral. Later, shaped both by my own cultural influences (impressionist masters like Cézanne and Monet), my travels in the Pacific Northwest coast of the US and various job adventures (choker setter in the Olympic Peninsula (WA) and salmon purse seining in the Puget Sound area (WA) and in Alaska), and the works of Morris Graves (mystical painter of nature), I developed a fascination for complex lighting and composition.
Amateur nature photographer since 2009, and self-learner in digital photography, I am interested in capturing images where light and its absence, the negative space in a scene and the composition combine to create a sense of interconnectedness with our natural environment.
Micheline Rouquet
I grew up and studied in Geneva, Switzerland. I learned the basics of film photography with a photojournalist friend who worked for the Swiss television network. My early interests were in landscape photography, which I was able to practise during my various travels in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Through my travel experiences, I developed a fascination for animals and plants in general, and, in particular, for birds and dragonflies, which have become my favorite subjects.
As an osteopath by trade, where our focus is on restoring functional movement in the body through various manual techniques, I am deeply moved by the natural beauty and the gracefulness of gestures and moves in all living creatures.
My goal in photography is to be able to capture a decisive moment that will stir me to the depths of my soul, revealing the beauty and magic of life on earth and the subtle ways in which we are connected to it.
I think we should all be caring for our natural environment. Through photography, I wish to pay a tribute to nature for having sustained us and nurtured us for so long, in spite of all the pressure we are placing on her.
Something lives within you that lives longer than the suns. It abides at the place in the heart.